Local COP4HL Malaga
What are our main community objectives in Malaga?
The Community of Practice for a Healthy Lifestyle in Malaga (COPEVIS Málaga) aims to group public and private institutions linked to the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the province of Malaga. Both the Malaga County Council and the University of Malaga participate in the COP in a coordinated way. In the Community of Practice of Malaga, after a needs analysis, we have focused on the promotion of the practice of healthy physical activity in the outdoor gyms of Malaga. The concept of outdoor gyms refers to outdoor spaces that integrate several types of equipment for the development of physical fitness within an urban or peri-urban environment. Under this term, others such as healthy parks or circuits, geriatric parks, exercise parks, calisthenics and street workout parks, etc. are included. One of the key points is that there are different levels of participation among stakeholders in our COP. The initial partners, the University of Malaga and Malaga County Council are very involved. The commitment of other partners is more specific or occasional, but necessary and fundamental to fulfil the objectives of the COP. This balance in the level of participation allows an adaptation to the management of the resources of each partner and respect for the resources available at all times. In this way, it is easier to ensure long-term collaboration. This diversity of commitments is also present within the organizational structure of each partner, in a way that respects and appreciate the degree of participation of each one, according to their possibilities. Another key element is the importance of fostering personal relationships. Mutual knowledge translates into a relationship of trust that is the basis of cooperation and teamwork. Furthermore, to be aware that you are not alone and that you share common goals with colleagues and with other stakeholders increases the motivation to continue working.Why is this a concern to our community?
The climate of Malaga, with more than 320 sunny days per year, facilitates the practice of outdoor physical activity. This fact has motivated that, among the strategies promoted by the public administration to improve the health of the population, the installation of an increasing number of outdoor gyms in recent years stands out. However, there is insufficient information on the impact that these facilities have on the physical activity and health of the population. Likewise, this proliferation of outdoor gyms lacks from a coordinated planning focused on the end-users of these services. An in-depth analysis is necessary in which all the agents involved participate, from the manufacturing and distribution companies to the end-users, through the different administrations related to outdoor gyms. An analysis of this type, which includes a study of the real use of outdoor gyms, can contribute to improving the proper use of these areas and optimizing the investment made in these facilities.What are our highlight activities?
1.1. Inventory of outdoor gyms 1.2. Selection of a sample of gyms in which to focus the study. 1.3. Compilation through internet or direct contacts of information about the use of outdoor gyms in Malaga. 1.4. Systematic review of descriptive and correlational studies on the use of outdoor gyms published in scientific journals. 1.5. Construction and adaptation of data recording instruments: systematic observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, etc. 1.6. Registration of data related to the use of outdoor gyms. 1.7. Descriptive and correlational analysis of the recorded data.(2) PROPOSE AND IMPLEMENT MEASURES AIMED AT PROMOTING THE PRACTICE OF HEALTHY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN OUTDOOR GYMS. WHAT CAN WE DO TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION?
2.1. What has been done so far in Malaga? Collect initiatives that have been carried out in Malaga with this objective. 2.2. What has been done in other places? Collect via internet or direct contacts initiatives that have been carried out in any place with this objective. 2.3. What is published? Systematic review of scientific publications on interventions designed to encourage the practice of physical activity in outdoor gyms 2.4. Design a proposal to encourage the practice of healthy physical activity in outdoor gyms in Malaga. 2.5. Design an investigation that evaluates the impact of the proposal.(3) SHARE AND DISSEMINATE THE EVOLUTION AND RESULTS OF THE LOCAL PROJECT. HOW DO WE MAKE IT KNOWN?
3.1. Design a logo (and slogan) of the local project. 3.2 Make a blog or web page about the project. 3.3. Make notes / press conferences. 3.4. Publish the results of the studies in specialized journals.Who are our community partners?
- University of Malaga
- Malaga County Council
- Malaga City Council - Sports Area
- Inacua
- Decathlon
- Ases XXI
- Axaplay
- Dimopark
- IES Fernando de los Ríos
- Local governments – Municipalities
General Email Address
Anselmo Cabrera Muñoz
Diputación Provincial de Málaga
Antonio Moya Merino
Diputación Provincial de Málaga
Alberto Paniagua Ramírez
Diputación Provincial de Málaga
Iván López Fernández
Universidad de Málaga